Clyde Jefferson Rag
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Blessings and Thorns
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Blessed Harriet….Blessed, all-seeing orb, guide me.
My children, I present a gift, in the sky above to thee.
Feast upon the night-born splendor, praise the wisdom of the Tree.
Magic Ghost
I am guided by the sight, guided by the sight, searching now for thee.
Blessed creatures of the planet, may we live in harmony.
Be bestowed the gift of embers, as the Tree bestowed to me.
Magic Ghost
I am guided by the sight, guided by the sight, searching now for thee.
Oh my brother, you, my brother.
Oh my brother, you, my brother.
Oh my brother, you have found me in the night, by the Tree.
My child is sleeping within thy gentle embrace, beneath the Antisun, before the new dawn.
Blessed sleeping child, be now warmed by the offering.
Magic Ghost
Oh my brother, you, my brother.
Oh my brother, I have found thee in the night, by the Tree.
Oh my brother, singed by the moonlight.
Santa’s Daughter
Father! My king, my king.
I am awakened, in the night, in the night.
In the sky, particles aligning within the stars.
Magic Ghost
Oh sacred king, my brother.
I praise the sight, I praise thee.
The Antisun is directed by the power of the staff.
Shimmering, nearing completion, guided by the astral path.
Magic Ghost and Santa’s Daughter
We are guided by the sight, guided by the sight, searching now for thee.
3. |
In moments, the Antisun shall be complete!
As I unveil the sphere, overwhelming energy is released from the staff.
Magic Ghost and Santa’s Daughter
Fissuring the sky!
Light beams, fading, as the Antisun doth rises far above the ice horizon.
Climbing monolithic void consuming the night.
Praise the splendor, feel the warmth, as the Antisun is forming.
Sacred is this blessed moment.
Magic Ghost and Santa’s Daughter
As the scrolls foretold!
In this final surge of fervor, hallowed are the storms of wind.
Stare into the white-lit embers, as the star implodes within.
Darkened plumes evaporating.
Shimmering amidst the cosmos, is the Antisun revealed!
Santa’s Daughter
Oh father, I weep with fear of thy creation as it encircles us within the sky.
Fear not the Antisun for I control the entity!
Magic Ghost
Oh brother art thou blinded by the power that emanates from the staff?
Unparalleled power, my brother.
I bear the staff, I command the light.
Magic Ghost
My brother I fear the power is….
Unparalleled power.
I fear the power is unparalleled.
In silence, praise the light, the glory of the sphere.
I am one with the staff.
I create the embers.
My brother and daughter….
Magic Ghost and Santa’s Daughter
We now fear the skies!
I shall never harm thee.
I am enchanted by the oath to protect all of those inhabiting this ice filled jagged planet!
Magic Ghost
My brother is blind by unparalleled power of the staff.
I must take it away….
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Magic Ghost
Forgive me for my crime.
Art thou blinded by the light?
I am betrayed.
Where hath the staff disappeared?
I shall find thee on this moonlit eve.
Magic Ghost
I must find the Staff upon Earth.
I must find the betrayer.
I must find the betrayer.
I am the one, I am the one.
I control the Antisun.
Magic Ghost
I am weeping in the dimming light
I am the one - the sacred, fevered one.
I am betrayed.
Daughter do you know who stole the Staff?
Tell me….
Santa’s Daughter
I know who hath stolen the staff.
Trembling child, tell me the identity of the deceiver who was veiled in swathes of shadow.
Santa’s Daughter
It was thy brother by the pale moonlight, seeking the staff.
I shall find it!
Lain upon the blessed throne where cinders congregate a pile….
I shall weep eternally for the staff hath been defiled.
I am the one, I am the one.
I control the Antisun.
Magic Ghost
I am weeping in the dimming light.
I am the one - the sacred, fevered one.
I control the Antisun, I am forever king.
Magic Ghost
Forgive me, my king.
I hath forsaken thee.
5. |
The decree is thus, I shalt devour fiends who oppose me including my brother.
I demand the presence of my brother.
Bring me the corpse of the deceiver.
Our sacred bond is shattered by thy whim.
Magic Ghost
Brother I am here to face thee in the darkness!
Without the staff thy power is diminished.
You are no more my kin.
My heart is eternally broken.
Magic Ghost and Santa’s Daughter
Father (brother) you are the king forever.
Father (brother) you are the king of Akka.
Gather all thy forces and prepare for war.
Is this the vision as foretold by the scrolls?
I am the Antisun!
I shalt bathe in thy gore.
Brother, find me, at the end of night.
Can’t thou hear it, the eternal weeping?
I am the Antisun! I shalt feast upon thy flesh.
I am the Antisun! I shalt devour thy corpse.
Magic Ghost and Santa’s Daughter
Father (brother) you are the king forever.
Father (brother) you are the king of Akka.
I declare war upon thee, brother.
Feel the wrath of the Antisun’s light.
Be melted by the beams that strike.
Let us now prepare for the war.
May He bless the scrolls.
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Eviscerate the deceiver is the command.
Go forth!
Immolation of the planet is the order.
Find him!
Magic Ghost
You are not the one forsaken, you are not the one.
Be devoured by the embers, of the Antisun.
We are now the ones forsaken, we are now the ones.
Let us now become devoured by the Antisun.
I shall seek thee.
Hail the sky-fiend.
Be dismembered by the rays!
Bless the fire melting the plains.
As the land weeps all for thee!
Magic Ghost
You are not the one forsaken, you are not the one.
We are thus defeated now, by the Antisun.
We are now the ones forsaken, we are now the ones.
You are far too powerful, with the Antisun.
Santa’s Daughter
The damage is vast.
All is scorched by thee.
Eternally weep.
Where is salvation?
Deceiver, where hath thou disappeared?
I demand the carcass on the throne.
Salvation is bestowed to my kin In the night.
He shalt flee from my reign.
Through the stars, I shall search.
Magic Ghost
We are now the ones forsaken, bestowed with thy wrath.
Gather now the moon machine, to retrieve the staff.
You are not the one forsaken, you are not the one.
Wearer of the crown of embers, he must be undone.
There is one way to destroy the Antisun in the sky.
We must retrieve the staff upon the Earth.
Follow me back to Earth.
To retrieve the staff.
Follow me, my fiends.
Follow me, back to Earth.
In the distance, I see a light falling from the blessed sky.
Let us follow the shimmering.
May it now be salvation.
Santa’s Daughter
Father I am growing weary of the shining light.
As the plague approaches us on this darkened night.
Father we are now forsaken by the shining light.
As the Scrollbearer foretold with his mystic sight.
Fear not the light.
I am the king of the sky.
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Clyde Jefferson Rag
I await thee, Staffbearer!
I am here, the ancient one, to destroy….
I hath arrived, you are here.
I shalt destroy the blessed sphere.
I seek thee, Staffbearer.
I am here, the winged one to destroy the Antisun.
Watch it fall from the sky, watch it fall….
From the sky it shall fall, as foretold in the scrolls.
I summon thee, Staffbearer.
I am here, the ancient one to destroy the Antisun.
Watch it fall from the sky, caressing as we die.
Will you wait?
Will you wait for me?
I shall wait for thee….
I would follow you into the moon.
Will you wait?
Will you wait for me?
Will you wait for me?
I shall wait for thee!
I shall wait for thee!
Harriet, I shalt seek thee!
Will you wait?
Will you wait for me?
I would follow you into the moon.
Will you wait?
Will you wait for me?
Will you wait for me?
I shall wait for thee!
I shall wait for thee!
I am awakened in the night, by the fire.
I hath come from very far away to fulfill the sacred words of the scrolls.
Bless the ancient scrolls!
I am here, the winged one to destroy the Antisun.
Watch it fall from the sky, caressing as we die.
I am the one, the winged lord!
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As I roam this path, I seek the controller of the Antisun.
Mutilating all of life, may I avenge thee, my blessed family.
Sleep forever in the darkness.
I shall find thee by the willow.
In the sky I see....
As the Antisun is burning I am veiled by falling embers.
Guide me now to He, bearer of the ancient staff.
Bring me to the fallen king.
He who bears the....
He who bears the staff.
We are close now to the shimmering that has led us to this place.
Santa’s Daughter
In the sky I see the shimmering in the night.
A silhouette, forming in the dark, watching us….
I am the one who shalt destroy the Antisun.
Engulf the sky.
How can it be?
What are thee?
I am the winged lord.
I am the one who shalt devour the Antisun...the Antisun.
Daughter, we must flee.
I shall protect thee!
In the Moon machine you must go now.
Daughter, I have forsaken thee.
Santa’s Daughter
Father, farewell blessed king.
Daughter, be now guided by the stars.
Blessed child, farewell.
I shall seek thee!
Battle me, Staffbearer….
I have waited for so very long.
I forsake the caress of the Tree.
Be annihilated by the emanating beams.
I absorb the energy.
Art thou not eternally harmed?
I am the winged….
Lord as prescribed in the scrolls.
I am the one!
I am wounded by the ray of light as I weep here upon the ice.
May I conjure vengeance and wrath guided by the sacred astral path.
You are dying by my hand.
I shall feast upon thy corpse.
May we battle forever!
I shall claim victory on this eve.
The Antisun shalt never fall.
I am wounded by the battle with the ancient Staffbearer king.
If indeed that I must die, I shall thus ascend into the wretched sky and collide with the Antisun.
I shall collide with the Antisun.
Gather supplies and a ship.
We now must leave the planet.
I’ll be home soon, with you and Belvedere.
The winged lord is now rising destined towards the Antisun.
Accelerate the ship faster, lest a vile fate we succumb.
I am rising to the Antisun.
It shall fall from the black sky.
Colliding with the planet, I condemn Akka to die!
The Antisun is now set ablaze, and from heavens will thus fall.
Akka is annihilated, embracing salvation’s call!
****** ****** ******
Are you here? Blessed Harriet, gentle Belvedere.
Yes Clyde, we are here. For thee, we are here.
Oh child, oh my child Harriet.
I can feel you upon the wind.
I can feel you too!
Oh Clyde, oh my Clyde is it truly you?
Follow me, I’m so sorry….
I am sorry too!
Harriet are you here?
Harriet are you here?
9. |
Embers and Flesh
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